I cannot believe that we are showing episodes from Season 9! It seems just like yesterday that I got a call from the folks over at Style Network, saying that they wanted me to join the cast of this fabulous show!! That was season 2 and now look where we are!!!!
For all of you who've been asking - your wish is being granted :) My newest episode will air tomorrow night (May 26th) at 8 p.m. EST on the Style Network. I had the pleasure of working with Rictor & Lynette Craig in fashioning a simply wonderful wedding celebration for them and a "few" of their nearest and dearest. It's definitely an episode you won't want to miss - please tune in, then give me some feedback..I'd love to hear what you have to say!!!!
Thanks for the heads up! I look forward to checking it out.
Love & Soul Always, Kay
I watched the show last night and you did a great job as usual.
I got to see some of the background of the couple. I didn't know it was such an issue for them to have a bar! The wedding was beautiful and I'm glad I can say, "I worked on that fabulous head table"!! A colleague told me the next day, "I saw you on TV"!
You did a great job with that wedding they are such a cute couple, my boyfriend loves you too bad our wedding will be in Houston...You do great work.
Hey Linnyette,
I really enjoy your work and think you are one talented lady. I was watching an episode of Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? Season 8, Episode entitled "Gold Medals & Family Matters" in which you were the planner and I was wondering the name of the venue for the wedding and reception. Thanks in advance.
Hi Ronnie:
Thanks for the compliments! James & Kyarna's event was held at Herrington On The Bay in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Congrats on the show! :)
Claudia :)
Im a follower of your blog and I would love for you to check out my website www.Tomi.theaspenshops.com
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Thank you!
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