Just me :) I've been "away" since May and with the falling of the leaves and the change in season, I've returned to my beloved "Confessions".
I've gotten so many inquiries and emails from my readers asking "where are you" and "when are you going to start blogging again?". I thank all of you for keeping in touch with me and I'm going to answer your questions quite simply...
I needed to take a break from blogging in order to truly discover my "voice". During my 4 month absence, I had a chance to watch everyone else and to listen to what my intuition was telling me. This is what I realized:
1) I am such an anomaly when it comes to this blogging thing. For me - this blog is a way for me to talk to you and to receive feedback. To be honest, I really don't want to chat about every new color shade, every new fabric, every new wedding gown, every new favor. It may work for and be good for other folks, but that's not who I am on a regular basis, so you're not going to find it here on "Confessions".
2) I love weddings, planning parties, making things beautiful and the art of a fine meal. That is who I REALLY am, so that's the "voice" you'll be hearing from now on. I'm also blatantly honest, so if you're looking for the "sugar coated" version of how weddings and special events are done....wrong blog. I'm going to tell you the truth, so that you'll be informed and aware. That makes for a better client, a better event - and a better consumer.
3) I want you to know a smidge more about me....beyond the persona you see on television. While I truly am one of those people that fit the "what you see is what you get" mold...I'm actually quite multi-faceted. Those "prisms" make me the unique indiviudal that you see now, but it also holds the key as to how I think..and how I produce all of those marvelously personal events....
4) I want to show you things that are unusual, cool, funky, hip - as well as elegant, traditional and classic. Weddings and events need to look like the people and demographic they are created for...I'm hoping to give you some additional insight on items, places and providers who can truly make your special occasion sing.
5) I'm not just a wedding planner. Over the past few months, myself and my "team" have really been involved in so many different things that we are excited about - and I plan on sharing some of those juicy "tidbits" with all of you. I am fortunately blessed to be able to spread my wings and truly branch out into more lifestyle and entertaining aspects of my career - the energy and excitement that I get from that is unreal and surreal. There are some very, very exciting opportunities that have been placed in my path that will take me WAY beyond the wedding planner personality many of you are used to. Trust me - it's a very, very good thing!
Many of you have commented to me that when you read my blog - it's as if you can "hear" me speaking to you. If that's the case - then I'm succeeding in my mission. "Confessions" is my online voice to the world....if you'll keep reading, I'm going to keep writing so that we can share and lift our collective voices - together.